'Before sunset' is among the loveliesssssst things I've ever watched and making this reminded me of this exchange from the movie:
Jesse: Have you ever spent time with monks or nuns?
I was shocked - I expected them to be all glowering and stern but they weren't - they were quick to laugh and really easy to be around, very attuned to everything. They're not trying to hustle anybody, they're not trying to accomplish anything, they are trying to live and die in peace and be close with God or whatever part of them they feel is eternal - it's so refreshing to be around. You realize that the bulk of people that you meet are trying to get somewhere better, make a little more jack, get a little more respect, have more people admire them...it's exhausting.
Celine: Yeah, no kidding.
Jesse: And it's exhausting to be one of those people yourself. I'm at a monastery, greedy to be a little more spiritual, "I want to be a better person". You can't escape.